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city and borough officials


bethel, Alaska

Richard Robb

city mayor

address: po box 1388, bethel, ak 99559

phone: (907) 543-1879

Fax: (907) 543-3817

Fred Watson

city vice mayor

address: po box 1388, bethel, ak 99559

phone: (907) 545-3755

Leif Albertson

city council member

address: po box 1388, bethel, ak 99559

phone: (907) 545-5510

Fax: (907) 543-3817

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Bethel Government
cold bay, Alaska

Dailey Schaack

city mayor

Phone: (907) 532-2401

Fax: (907) 532-2671

Candace Schaack

city Vice-mayor

Phone: (907) 532-2401

Fax: (907) 532-2671

Kurt Uttecht

city council, seat a

Public Works Director

Phone: (907) 532-2684

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Cold Bay Government
dillingham, Alaska

Alice Ruby

city mayor

address: po box 669, dillingham, ak 99576

Phone: (907) 842-5272

Chris Maines

city council member, seat b

address: po box 295, dillingham, ak 99576

Phone: (907) 842-1792

Aksel Buholm

city council member, seat c

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Dillingham Government
kodiak, Alaska

Pat Branson

city mayor

address: 710 Mill Bay Road Kodiak, AK 99615

phone: (907) 486-3641 

Laura Arboleda

city council member

address: 710 Mill Bay Road Kodiak, AK 99615

phone: (907) 539-2027

Randall Bishop

city council member

address: 710 Mill Bay Road Kodiak, AK 99615

phone: (907) 486-3364

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Kodiak Government
lake and peninsula borough
new halen, iliamna, and king salmon
Lake & Pen Borough

Glen Alsworth Sr.

Borough mayor

address: po box 495, king salmon, ak 99613

phone: (907) 246-3421

toll free: (800) 764-3421

Myra Olsen

Borough vice mayor

address: po box 495, king salmon, ak 99613

phone: (907) 246-3421

toll free: (800) 764-3421

Randy Alverez

Borough assembly member

address: po box 495, king salmon, ak 99613

phone: (907) 246-3421

toll free: (800) 764-3421

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mtnt - McGrath, Takotna, Nikolai, and Telida

Jacqueline Esai

board of directors, president, nikolai seat

address: 1500 w 33rd, ste 100, anchorage, ak 99503

phone: (907) 644-1200

Joe Frank

board of directors, chairman, at large seat

address: 1500 w 33rd, ste 100, anchorage, ak 99503

phone: (907) 644-1200

Nicole Borromeo

board of directors, secretary and treasurer, at large seat

address: 1500 w 33rd, ste 100, anchorage, ak 99503

phone: (907) 644-1200

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unalaska and dutch harbor, Alaska

James Fitch

city council, seat b

David Gregory

city council, seat d

Dennis M Robinson

city council, seat e

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