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city and borough officials


barrow, Alaska

Fannie Mitiktaun Suvlu

city mayor

address: PO Box 629, Barrow, Ak 99723

phone: (907) 852-5211

fax: (907) 852-5871

Frederick Brower

city council member, seat a

address: PO Box 629, Barrow, Ak 99723

phone: (907) 852-5211

fax: (907) 852-5871

Asisaun Toovak

city council member, seat b

address: PO Box 629, Barrow, Ak 99723

phone: (907) 852-5211

fax: (907) 852-5871

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Barrow Gvt
nome, Alaska

Richard Beneville

city mayor

address: PO Box 281, Nome, AK 99762

phone: (907) 443-6663

alt phone: (907) 304-1453

fax: (907) 443-5349

Adam Martinson

city council member, seat a

address: PO Box 281, Nome, AK 99762

phone: (907) 304-1005

Doug Johnson

city council member, seat b

address: PO Box 281, Nome, AK 99762

phone: (907) 304-1364

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Nome Gvt
North Slope Borough

Harry Brower, Jr

borough mayor

address: PO Box 69, Barrow, AK 99723

Phone: (907) 852-0200
Fax: (907) 852-0337

Forrest "Deano" Olemaun

borough chief administrative officer

address: PO Box 69, Barrow, AK 99723

Phone: (907) 852-0200
Fax: (907) 852-0337

Sondra Leavitt

borough mayor assistant

address: PO Box 69, Barrow, AK 99723

Phone: (907) 852-0200
Fax: (907) 852-0337

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